Saturday, June 25, 2005

Off we go ...

Tuesday, after months of planning, we finally fly out!  It seems like we have been talking about our holiday for AGES!!  I can't believe it is finally happening.

For those who don't know about this holiday - Rod and I are off on our second honeymoon.  We start with pilgrim walking across north Spain (different route to the one I did a few years back).  We then join good friends, Tian and Karen in Norway.  The London limelight for a week, catch up with friends and family.  Then Italy for a month.  Then for Rod to meet relo's and family in Durban and Cape Town.  We end off with a 10 day trip to Zimbabwe to meet up with friend, Rene and Lindsay

Here is a copy of our final itinerary, for those who need to know where we are, dates for arranging visits/pickups (yawhooooooooo) etc.

This weekend is going to be maniac just cleaning out all the cobwebs, sorting stuff out.  Monty is thankfully staying with our dear friends, Sherry & family.  He has a cat-run where he will be safe and sound during the day.  We bid Dirrawan Gardens good-bye.  Our beloved little home, where Rod and I struggle to fit into the kitchen, have our nooks with our pc's, are surrounded by a beautiful overgrown garden, where we peacefully walk to work everyday

With being away so long, we have been so blessed with kindness from friends- Sherry & family as mentioned looking after the Monts
- Mandy our landlady kindly gave us her garage for storage
- Andrew and Alison, our dear neighbours offered storage
- Tash offered her shed for storage
- Kris Sheaths is taking some stuff and offered storage
- Ben and Linda offered their shed for storage
- Karen and Jen helping out with packing this weekend

- The guys Rod has organised to help out with big stuff this weekend
- Trev, then Leigh/Sherry looks after our car
... gosh the list goes on

We spend our last 2 nights with Nicky and John.  Nicky will take us to the airport on Tuesday

It's a happy/sad time.  Time to say good-bye to many dear things to us.  Hello to an amazing adventure!

Our email address on holiday will be: Rod and I:

We have a blog - so please check up on us frequently. - feel free to leave some comments (no rude ones please)

Please look on our blog frequently - although you should get email updates on changes as we are travelling

Please keep us in your prayers
Trace and Rod